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Human Resources


In adherence to our people-oriented principles, we offer equal opportunities in employment, career

advancement, remuneration and benefits, as well as training and development to provide a broad platform for

the diversified development of our employees. As part of our active efforts to foster a harmonious employer-

employee relationship, we operate against any discrimination in connection with ethnicity, nationality, religion,

physical disability or gender, while child or forced labour is strictly forbidden.


Our remuneration policy is results-based and market-oriented, formulated under the guidance of remuneration

policies of local governments of regions where we operate and with reference to data on remuneration

furnished by professional consulting agencies. It takes into account all factors and seeks balance between

internal and external requirements, placing equal emphasis on the market-competitiveness of our remuneration

and fairness among employees.

We have adopted a market-based incentive and appraisal system that links staff remuneration with business

results. Decisions regarding human resources, such as those in relation to remuneration adjustment, bonus

allocation, promotion, training and incentives, are made on the basis of a scientifically performance appraisal


We are in stringent compliance with the requirements of local governments in relation to staff insurance, benefit

plans, work hours and annual leave provisions, and provide social insurance with full-coverage. Most subsidiaries

also offer additional benefits and insurance coverage for staff, such as corporate annuities (supplementary

pension insurance) and supplementary medical insurance.


Staff training is a top priority for CITIC, which endeavours to provide different channels for staff training to

enhance the expertise of its employees and maximise the ability to add value in all employees. With the

establishment of CITIC School of Management, we are actively building a staff training platform and regime

bearing CITIC characteristics and complementary to its business development. We have organised a number of

premium training projects in solid implementation of our talent strategy, and held our first training session for

Hong Kong employees.