Statutory Disclosure
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Interim Dividend and Closure of Register of Members
The directors have declared an interim dividend of HK$0.10 per share (2015: HK$0.10 per share) for the year
ending 31 December 2016, payable on Friday, 30 September 2016 to shareholders whose names appear on the
Company’s register of members on Thursday, 22 September 2016. The register of members of the Company
will be closed from Monday, 19 September 2016 to Thursday, 22 September 2016, both days inclusive, during
which period no transfer of shares will be effected. To qualify for the interim dividend, all transfer documents
accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s Share Registrar, Tricor Tengis
Limited, at Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong, for registration not later than 4:30 p.m.
on Thursday, 15 September 2016.
Share Option Plan Adopted by the Company
CITIC Pacific Share Incentive Plan 2011
The CITIC Pacific Share Incentive Plan 2000 adopted by the Company on 31 May 2000 for a term of ten years
expired on 30 May 2010. The Company adopted a new plan, the CITIC Pacific Share Incentive Plan 2011 (the “Plan
2011”) on 12 May 2011, the purpose of which is to promote the interests of the Company and its shareholders
by providing the eligible participants with additional incentives to continue and increase their efforts in
achieving success in the business of the Group, and attracting and retaining the best available personnel to
participate in the on-going business operation of the Group. Pursuant to the Plan 2011, the board may at its
discretion offer to grant share options to any eligible participant including any employee, executive director,
non-executive director, independent non-executive director or officer, consultant or representative of any
member of the Company who shall make payment of HK$1.00 to the Company on acceptance. The subscription
price determined by the board will not be less than the higher of (i) the nominal value of the Company’s shares;
(ii) the closing price of the Company’s shares as stated in the daily quotations sheet of The Stock Exchange of
Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) on the date of offer of the grant; and (iii) the average
of the closing prices of the Company’s shares as stated in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s daily quotations
sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the date of offer of the grant. The total number of the
Company’s shares which may be issued upon exercise of all options to be granted under the Plan 2011 must not
in aggregate exceed 10% of the Company’s shares in issue as at the date of adopting the Plan 2011. As at 30 June
2016, the total number of shares available for issue under the Plan 2011 is 364,944,416 shares.
No share options were granted under the Plan 2011 during the period ended 30 June 2016.